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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oCCatItemsStorage structure for categorized items
oCEnergyEnergy of a Gibbsian random T-tessellation
oCFeaturesSet of vertex, edge, face and segment features
oCIVertexData about removal of an I-vertex
oCLineTesPolygonal tessellation of a bounded rectangular domain
|oCSegSegment in a line tessellation
|oCSeg_listList of Seg objects
|\CSeg_sublistSublist of Seg objects
oCLineTes_halfedgeHalfedge class used by the LineTes class
oCModifCountsData summarizing changes occuring through SMF iterations
oCModListRepresentation of a modification to be applied to a line tessellation
oCPLInferenceNOISPseudo-likelihood inference of a Gibsian T-tessellation with alternate updates
oCPseudoLikDiscreteDiscrete approximation of the log-pseudolikelihood of a Gibbsian T-tessellation
oCSMFChainMarkovian T-tessellation
\CTTesselDynamic T-tessellation
 oCFlipA flip that can be applied to a T-tessellation
 oCMergeA merge that can be applied to a T-tessellation
 oCModificationAbstract class representing a modification of a T-tessellation
 \CSplitA split that can be applied to a T-tessellation