This short tutorial shows how to simulate a given Gibbs model of T-tessellation. The simulation algorithm is described the in paper "A completely random T-tessellation model and Gibbsian extensions". It is a Metropolis-Hastings-Green algorithm. Three main ingredients are involved in the simulation:
Below is the whole program. Comments about its different parts follow.
#include ttessel.h int main(int argc,char** argv) { int seed = 5; // seed for the random generator double width = 1; // side length of the square domain to be tessellated double theta_segs = 3.15; // first parameter value double theta_faces = 10000; // second parameter value TTessel tes; tes.insert_window(Rectangle(Point2(0,0),Point2(width,width))); Energy mod; mod.add_features_segs(is_segment_internal); mod.add_theta_segs(theta_segs); mod.add_features_faces(face_area_2); mod.add_theta_faces(theta_faces); mod.set_ttessel(tes); std::cout << "Current energy: " << mod.get_value() << std::endl; SMFChain sim = SMFChain(&mod,0.33,0.33); rnd = new CGAL::Random(seed); for(int i=0;i!=100;i++) { sim.step(); std::cout << "Current energy: " << mod.get_value() << std::endl; } return 0; }
A dynamic T-tessellation is represented by a TTessel object.
TTessel tes;
Before it is really effective, one should define the domain to be tessellated. It must be a bounded convex polygon. Here it is a square window.
A stochastic model of T-tessellation is defined through an energy function. For a given energy function , the infinitesimal probability to observe a T-tessellation
Using Energy objects, one may define a large class of parametric models. As an example, consider the model where the energy function has the form:
where is the number of tessellation segments not lying along the domain boundary and
is the sum of squared cell areas. Observe that the first term of the energy penalizes T-tessellations with too many segments (cells), while the second term penalizes T-tessellation with heterogeneous cell areas. The numerical values of the parameters are the following:
Let us push the first energy term into the model. The number of internal segments can be written as
where is the set of segments of the tessellation
. The following piece of code push this term into the model.
Energy mod; mod.add_features_segs(is_segment_internal); mod.add_theta_segs(theta_segs);
The handling of the second term is similar. The sum of squared cell areas can be written as
where is the set of cells (i.e. faces) of the tessellation
is the area of the cell
mod.add_features_faces(face_area_2); mod.add_theta_faces(theta_faces);
Now attach the dynamic T-tessellation object to the model object and evaluate the model energy for the current T-tessellation (empty tessellation).
mod.set_ttessel(tes); std::cout << "Current energy: " << mod.get_value() << std::endl;
The class SMFChain implements a simulation engine. It is an algorithm of Metropolis-Hastings-Green type defining a Markov chain in the space of T-tessellations. Transitions of the Markov chain are either merges, splits of flips (SMF). When defining a SMFChain object, one needs to specifiy 2 probabilities : probability of proposing a merge, probability of proposing a split (the third probability for flips is complementary). Very often, these probabilities are chosen uniform.
SMFChain sim = SMFChain(&mod,0.33,0.33);
We are now ready for running the simulator through its method SMFChain::step. As a prerequisite, the random generator must be initialized.
rnd = new CGAL::Random(seed); for(int i=0;i!=100;i++) { sim.step(); std::cout << "Current energy: " << mod.get_value() << std::endl;